
My name is Steve Davis. As you’ll see on this page, I like to teach. This site is loaded with my teaching on everything from marriage and intimacy to Biblical prophecy. If you look around long enough, you may find a sermon or two on how the church should address LGBTQ individuals, a series on racism, and a book on military families.

So poke around and learn a few things about how to let your faith and Bible knowledge impact your world in meaningful ways. (Also feel free to check out the church I pastor. I like it a lot.)

Daily Time with God

One of the most important habits you can develop to help become the person God created you to be is to spend time with God on a daily (or almost-daily) basis. Here is a page dedicated to helping you get started and move to greater depth in your daily time with God.

To help with that, I publish excerpts from my journals on the page Stuff Steve Said, with the two most recent linked here.

True Faith

Now these are the people of the province who came up from the captivity of the exiles, whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had taken captive…


Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord , and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah.…Our God, will you not judge them? For we…

This Week’s Sermon

Kingdom Here Series

Sermon Series Archive

To see the Jumpstart archive click here.

It started my back deck, during the Covid lockdown. Not knowing what else to do, I strapped my phone to my deck and started recording a Bible study on Facebook Live. We focused on digging deep enough to try to hear what the original hearers heard and how they applied the Bible in their world so we could better live it in ours.

Things have changed a little. I record in my studio, not my back deck, and it only comes out sporadically. (I’m working on my PhD while pastoring, so time is scarce.).

But the studies still investigate the Bible from that same fresh perspective. Not content with surface discussion or simply rephrasing what cultural Christianity says, we dig deep and strive to apply what we learned.

That’s what the Back Deck Bible Study is all about.

(Here’s a direct link to the study on Revelation.)


Sermons by Series

Spout Springs YouTube Site An extensive archive of past messages.


Some articles that I like, some that I wrote, all to make you think.


And occasionally I get the urge to write a book.

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